Credit-Risk Analysis
In matters on how to counsel on avoiding, reducing and transferring risk, OVT can provide intelligence on both developing credit scoring programs that use observations from organization’s client data, or extract such info from external sources. On the same aspect, we can employ own models and credit scorecards to rank potential and existing customers according to risk, and then apply appropriate strategies, or engage third-party products.
All types of internal and external data sources can be connected for importing data, whereas existing systems can access the Credit Risk Rating Platform via a standard interface (web services). The software uses components and modules from the ContentPoint® platform and provides Web-based user interfaces for capturing and analyzing financial events.
The solution can be fully adapted to each customer’s requirements since the configuration is performed using a graphical administration platform (CP Administration), so as to design and expand workflows, data models, authorization options, and report templates without any programming. All modifications are subject to versioning and they are fully recorded.